Reviewing performance
Self-assessment and reflection using the Flipside professionalism charter
The professionalism charter and resources developed for the Flipside project on this website support doctors to develop and evaluate professional skills relevant to clinical practice, teamwork, and supervisory relationships.
The quiz is a self assessment of professional behaviours that enables you to identify your strengths and areas for improvement based on a charter of professional behaviours developed for the project. Use the JMO quiz if you are a JMO or the supervisor's quiz if you are in a supervision role (which may include registrars and consultants). The quiz can be undertaken as an individual or group activity.
Your completed scored quiz can be emailed to your preferred email.
The charter is presented in seven themes of professional behaviours each of which are supported by video-based Flipside resources.
Your scores considered in junction with the resources should be used to inform a reflection on practice.
Refer to your CPD Home's requirements for documentation of this activity. The CPD verification template on this website may be acceptable. If so, documentation of this activity could comprise a copy of the downloadable pdf charter and a completed template specifying the date, duration, summary of the activities undertaken (quiz, resources accessed, reflection), and signatures. We recommend not uploading the scored quiz report but we do recommend completing a summary of your reflection and having a colleague or supervisor confirm that the activity was undertaken. See verifying CPD.
Direct observation of practice by colleague (Peer review)
Patient facing (clinical work) and non-patient facing (teaching, clinical governance, etc) aspects of your medical work can be peer reviewed by a colleague or supervisor who has relevant expertise in the area of practice and sufficient time to observe you and engage in a feedback conversation.
The person acting as reviewer may also be eligible to claim CPD points.
Feedback on observed practice should map to an established professional performance framework or clinical practice guideline. Examples of performance frameworks include the Medical Board Of Australia's Code of Conduct, the AMC Prevocational Outcomes Statements.
The feedback discussion should use an established reflection/feedback framework (for example the Gibbs cycle) or approach and address both strengths and areas for improvement. A number of CPD Homes offer tools to support critical reflection and feedback. An example of a peer review template is provided here. Alternatively, a peer review could be undertaken as a retrospective case based discussion. An example of a CBD template is provided here.
Refer to your CPD Home's requirements for documentation of this activity. The CPD documentation template on this website may be acceptable.
It is essential to gain patient consent, as appropriate, to maintain patient privacy and confidentiality, to maintain safe clinical and professional practice and to de-identify your documentation. Before you embark upon this activity, ensure that you have the support of your supervisors or managers within your organisation. ​
Critical reflection
Reflection can be undertaken on a range of topics including (de-identified) clinical cases, your professional roles, clinical guidelines and policies and literature, as long as its relevant to your professional roles.
Reflection can be an individual or group activitiy.
Reflection should follow a structure or stages that enable one to make sense of issues in a constructive way that enables growth and positive change. A number of frameworks are available to guide the process of reflection. The reflective cycle developed by Graham Gibbs is well regarded and simple to follow. A template based on Gibb's cycle is available to download here. We recommend that you retain in your personal files, once completed, and include a summary of the reflection in the verification template.
Individual-focused activities
professional development plan
multi-source feedback
patient experience survey
workplace performance appraisal
Group-focused activities
direct observation of practice in team setting
multi-source feedback
patient experience survey
medical services survey/review
multi-disciplinary team meetings
peer review group meetings
Not directly practice-focused activities
participating in clinical governance/QA committees
accrediting/auditing practices, hospitals, training sites
medico-legal work (report, expert witness)