The Flipside is a collaborative project provided by Northern Sydney Local Health District and the NSW Health Education Training Institute.
The project is provided by the Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre, NSLHD, working in collaboration with the medical staff, Royal North Shore Hospital, as the principle pilot group.
The project is supported in part by funding from the HETI Strategic Initiatives in Medical Education Fund, 2017.
The material in this website contains advice of a general nature and may not be appropriate in specific circumstances.
Unless otherwise specified, the material in this website is jointly owned by HETI and the SCSSC. Downloadable copies of the values charters may be used, without modification, and acknowledging the source 'The Flipside Initiative'.
Ethical Approval
The evaluation of this project has been approved by the NSLHD Health Research Ethics Committee [Ref: LNR/18/HAWKE/18].
Contact person
Project lead
Clinical Associate Professor Leonie Watterson, Director, Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre
Level 6, Kolling Building, Royal North Shore Hospital
St Leonards, NSW, Australia, 2065
Ph: 61 2 9926 4620
Email: Leonie.Watterson@health.nsw.gov.au