Post Event Huddle (PEH) FAQs
When should I consider having a Post Event Huddle?
A Post Event Huddle should be considered after incidents which are stressful and difficult (eg) rapidly deteriorating patients, rare events or situations which have caused distress for the patient, carers or staff.
Who should lead the Post Event Huddle?
Ideally, this should a senior member of the team.
How long does a Post Event Huddle take?
5 – 10 minutes
Where should the Post Event Huddle occur?
In a private area separate from patients
Who should attend the Post Event Huddle?
All team members who were at the event should be invited to attend
Why is a Post Event Huddle helpful?
There are a number of reasons a PEH may be helpful. These include:
It provides an opportunity for thank the team members for their contribution
A summary of the event can ensure there is a shared understanding of what happened. Without this, some team members may feel confused or concerned about the patient’s care
It acknowledges that acute events have differing effects on people
It provides a safe environment for people to share their feelings
Distressed team members can be identified and given immediate support and options for follow up support
The need for specific areas of follow-up can be recognised (eg) psychological support, educational sessions,
What are some tips for leading a Post Event Huddle?
Start by thanking the team for their contribution to the event and for attending the Huddle
Preview the aims of the huddle
Remember “less is more”
Ask open questions
Allow the PEH to develop into a psychological debrief, quality assurance exercise or educational tutorial
Trivialise feelings in an attempt to be helpful
Use judgemental language
Ask for elaborate details as this may cause additional distress
What should I do if I identify people in the who are distressed from the event?
Asking a few open questions may help in identifying their immediate needs (eg) the need to rest, a refreshment, support from a peer. They may require additional follow up after the PEH from their supervisor or manager (this is often the first point of contact), a trained professional or psychologist, or the Employee Assistance Program.
What should I do if there are issues identified in the Post Event Huddle (eg) knowledge or skills gaps, system issues?
These are beyond the scope of the PEH and noted as areas for which appropriate follow-up can organised.