The project is provided by the Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre, NSLHD, working in collaboration with the clinical staff, Royal North Shore Hospital.
The project is supported and funded by the HETI Hospital Non-Specialist Program.
The material in this website contains advice of a general nature and may not be appropriate in specific circumstances.
Unless otherwise specified, the material in this website is owned by the SCSSC. Copies of the material may be used, without modification, and acknowledging the source 'Post Event Huddle’.
Project team
Clinical Associate Professor Leonie Watterson, Director, Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre (project lead).
Dr Davina Julliard, HNSP Director NSLHD & CCLHD
Dr Gerri Khong, Staff Specialist (Anaesthetics), Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre
Dr Olly Snellgrove, Simulation Fellow, Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre
The project team wishes to extend our gratitude to the following people:
· Julie Dunsmore (AM, MAPS) for her expert advice and content on psychological first aid for health care workers
· The fellows and staff of the Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre for their support and participation in producing the project
· Marcello Gizzi for project support
· Sarah Doran for website design
Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre
Level 6, Kolling Building, Royal North Shore Hospital
St Leonards, NSW, Australia, 2065
Ph: 61 2 9926 4620