7 principles of effective supervision - universal charter
1. Demonstrate respect
#1 be friendly and interested in others
#2 interact politely and acknowledge others' effort and contribution
#3 respect reputations
#4 remain composed when frustrated or stressed
2. Promote diversity and wellbeing
#5 show concern for others
#6 respect age, gender, values, culture & beliefs
#7 treat everyone equally
#8 support others if you witness disrespectful behaviour
3. Ensure patients and staff are safe
#9 act upon senior medical advice
#10 clarify when unclear or concerned about advice
#11 practice within role and consult appropriately
#12 communicate our concerns and listen to concerns raised by patients and colleagues.
4. Create an open, safe and empowering learning environment
#13 clarify roles, priorities and expectations, regarding communication and consultation.
#14 show initiative, promote independence and offer support
#15 show respect when changing others' management or having your management altered
#16 enable protected time for education and make the most of it
5. Monitor and manage the work environment
#17 monitor workloads and seek and or provide support to manage them
#18 promote innovation and initiative in managing workflow
#19 raise concerns (and encourage others to do the same) if any aspect of one's work impacts negatively on productivity, wellbeing, or career progression.
6. Achieve effective feedback
#20 believe you are valued, show positive regard and acknowledge good performance in others
#21 practice self appraisal
#22 be objective and measured in one's appraisals
#23 be receptive to constructive feedback
#24 initiate open respectful conversation to explore poor performance, when relevant
#25 convert feedback to effective improvement goals
7. Practice ethically
#26 communicate transparently, acknowledge, and apologise for, mistakes
#27 maintain privacy and confidentiality, appropriately