JMOs and supervisors - improve your experience of supervision with
'the flipside' supervision values charters
Effective supervision is the cornerstone of medical training. Junior medical officers rely heavily on their supervisors and vice versa. The flipside is that supervision is a two-way street. While we rely upon others to be effective in their roles, it is also important that we are effective in our roles and we take some responsibility for the impact of our behaviour on others.
The Flipside initiative promotes 7 principles that help us to achieve effective medical supervision relationships. Reflecting their different roles, we have created a pair of values charters that guide JMOs and supervisors in their respective roles. The values charters are tools that support reflection and provide guidance on how to be effective in your supervision relationships. They will assist you to be the best version of yourself, and or to effectively address situations, when things don't seem to be going well.
1. Have a quick glance the 7 principles at the bottom of the screen.
2. Take the JMO quiz or supervisor quiz to see how well you meet the charter (don't worry if you don't score high marks the first time).
3. Use the feedback from the quiz to inform aspects of your practice that should be reinforced and others that who might want to address. The resources and foamed tabs provides educational resources to help you upskill.
4. Finally, view the JMO charter and or supervisor charter and make a personal pledge to be effective in your supervision relationships
Note: both sets of charters may be relevant to you, particularly if you are a JMO who supervises other JMOs, or if you are a supervisor who mentors and coaches JMOs.
7 principles
Hover your mouse over each for a description
1. Demonstrate Respect
be friendly and interested in others
interact politely and acknowledge others' effort and contribution
respect reputations
remain composed when frustrated or stressed
Demonstrate respect
show concern for others
respect age, gender, values, culture & beliefs
treat everyone equally
support others if you witness disrespectful behaviour
Promote diversity and well-being
act upon senior medical advice
clarify when unclear or concerned about advice
practice within role and consult appropriately
communicate our concerns and listen to concerns raised by patients and colleagues.
Ensure patients and colleagues are safe
clarify roles, priorities and expectations, regarding communication and consultation.
show initiative, promote independence and offer support
show respect when changing others' management or having your management altered
enable protected time for education and make the most of it
Create a safe and empowering learning environment
monitor workloads and seek and or provide support to manage them
promote innovation and initiative in managing workflow
raise concerns (and encourage others to do the same) if any aspect of one's work impacts negatively on productivity, wellbeing, or career progression.
Monitor & manage work
believe you are valued, show positive regard and acknowledge good performance in others
practice self appraisal
be objective and measured in one's appraisals
be receptive to constructive feedback
initiate open respectful conversation to explore poor performance, when relevant
convert feedback to effective improvement goals
Achieve effective feedback
communicate transparently, acknowledge, and apologise for, mistakes
maintain privacy and confidentiality, appropriately